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Sunken Garden: Outdoor music venues. Where did they all go? Are we only hosting concerts in the big boxes now?
Sheli L
Sheli L Jun 30, 2015
Sunken Garden: Outdoor music venues. Where did they all go? Are we only hosting concerts in the big boxes now?

This is what I want more of in San Antonio...

Cleaner Air and/or Water 0
Enhancing the Economy 0
Improving Quality of Life 1
0 Comments     1 Tag
Similar Photos: Solar panels as parking shades. Add trees along all highways and expressways and medians. Create urban parks below bridges and expressways. Bike, pedestrian, and transit friendly streets with access to shopping & entertainment...pref<wbr/><span class="wbr"></span>erably close to downtown.

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer